Let’s all take a moment to meet Melissa! She works for City Journals and is one of the most down to earth person I have met in a long time.. Her stories at the Women’s Entrprenerial Conference demonstrated such depth and compassion she has for every person she meets. She truly embodies her own words of wisdom: Be true to who you are and be kind to all that cross your path.
Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I am a hugh animal avocate. For over a decade my daughter and I have been doing fundraisers for the West Jordan Animal Shelter and most recently the Humane Society of Utah. I currently have 2 adorable dogs, one from the West Jordan Animal Shelter and the other from the Humane Society. All of my pets have been rescues and I just love helping them.
Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
My mother, she was a school teacher for 41 years and has donated a lifetime of your personal time and money to help under privileged kids. She taught me that you don’t have to have money to help others, just your time. If I am half the person she is, I will consider myself accomplished.
If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
New Hampshire. This is where I am from and my heart is.
What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
You live, you die, how do you want to be remembered?
Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
Joel Osteen. I love how he and his wife write things that are good core/ Christian values that relate to today’s everyday life.
Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Be true to who you are and be kind to all that cross your path. You never know what your future will bring and how you can benefit them and they you.