Natalee Fox, The Travel Concierge

Natalee Fox, The Travel Concierge

This woman is magical! Natalee Fox, The Travel Concierge, is amazing in creating wonderful vacations and memorable experiences. She planned my families trip to Disneyworld this fall. It was so smooth and easy. She had everything booked and ready for us to relax and play. Isn’t that what a vacation is for? If you have the itch to travel, get with Natalee and have her do all the heavy lifitng so you can put your feet up on those beach chairs and sip your drink by the water!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
My family and my kids are the most important thing to me in the world. I am blessed with three beautiful children of my own, and three bonus children. I love them all so much and they bring so much joy to my life.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
Throughout my career I have had the privilege of working with so many wonderful leaders, most of which have remained lifelong friends and supporters of everything I do. The one thing they all had in common is that they encouraged my growth as an independent strong business woman. They never took credit for my work, and they always did what they could to make my own career dreams and aspirations a reality. I, in turn, treat my employees and now other business owners the same. You can be successful alone, but you’ll be even more successful with a powerful team or tribe along side with you. Their support of me made me want to work even harder, not only for myself, but for them in return.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
I’m so blessed to have the job that I do. I have been afforded the opportunity to travel all over the world. However, my stay true Bucket List location will always be Paris. I love the romance and beauty of this city and it never gets old.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?

Every day is a day to be better!

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I have fallen in love with Jen Sincero this year. I love how real and raw she is about the struggles in her own life and how she brings comedy to her mistakes. She helps me laugh at my own as well.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
This group has been instrumental in me having a successful start-up business. The amount of resources at my fingertips is invaluable, but, more importantly, I have been able to build a tribe of strong, brilliant, loving and compassionate women and that is priceless. If I had any advice, it would be to meet with these women, cultivate your relationships with them, and support them whenever you can. The love and support will be reciprocated tenfold.

Monique Flesher, Monique Jacqueline Design

Monique Flesher, Monique Jacqueline Design

Meet Ms. Monique! She is one of our lovely Ambassadors and a rockstar Interior Designer. Not only is she great at creating savvy spaces, she is one saavy business lady! Sitting with her and chatting business created more dynamic ideas than I knew what to do with! Go get on this lady’s schedule for coffee, don’t forget your notebook-because you are going to want to take notes!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I am French Basque. I am first generation here in the United States, I have an incredible work ethic and am very genuine.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
My father has been my role model. I always figured that if I could be as honorable as he, I would go far in life! He always put his family first and worked his ass off for us to have everything that he never had, The American Dream.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
I would go to Europe. I love the country, the people and my family.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Always remember to be true to yourself and ALWAYS be YOU.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I love listening to Amy Porterfield, Darren Hardy and Alycia Wicker.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Always remember to be true to yourself, in all that you do!

Rebecca Yates, Ark Insurance Solutions

Rebecca Yates, Ark Insurance Solutions

Meet Ms. Yates! She is the Superwoman Healthcare Guru! With all the craziness around healthcare these days, it’s great to know there is someone out their who can decipher it all and bring it down to our level and help us understand what we need! It’s renewal time ladies, go check out her site, get your healthcare straightened away, and pour yourself a glass of wine because you know she’s gotten you the best deal around!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I love to do home improvements. I spent 10 years fixing up an 1891 Queen Anne Farmhouse. My mom and I remodeled every inch of it. I’m always looking for little projects or things to build.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
As a child I was raised by a single mom who worked as a secretary. She enrolled my brother and I in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. The volunteer who acted was my Big was a mortgage broker. It was the first time I had seen a strong professional woman making her way in the world. She really opened my eyes to opportunities that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise!

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
Egypt. I wanted to be Indiana Jones when I grew up!

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Love More, Work Hard, Dream Big, Travel Often

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I’m really enjoying the Pumpkin Plan right now. I bought because I’m obsessed with pumpkins (I LOVE to grow them) but it has been great at getting me to narrow my focus to what I’m really good at.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
The most valuable thing in life is your relationships with others. Put it first.

Check out her services

Pamela Martinson Olson, Native Flower Company

Pamela Martinson Olson, Native Flower Company

The words Inspired Beauty always come to mind when I see one of Pamela’s floral arrangements! The quiet nature of each bouquet has it’s own presence and invites one to take a moment to appreciate the little things in life. Pamela and her team are always there to help create the most perfect arrangement for whatever you need! I know, because I am one of those last minute people who come up with crazy requests! Not only does she deliver, but it is always beyond what I could have possibly thought possible! Stop by her shop sometime and treat yourself to some flowers! They are happiness all wrapped up with a bow!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I once studied Kung Fu and achieved my orange belt.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
My mom was my greatest role model and mentor. She encouraged me to find and foster my talents, and she supported my creativity and interests. She taught me to work hard, be kind and maintain a level of humility.

 If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
Scandinavia for 6 months, to trace my Swedish ancestry and my husband’s Norwegian lines. I want to enjoy it in summer and fall for fly-fishing, and in winter for skiing.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
In addition to “paying it forward,” I am also a big believer in taking personal responsibility for your own actions, mistakes, and successes. Here are two quotes I like:

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” Eleanor Roosevelt

“The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them.” Steve Maraboli

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I don’t have any! I draw inspiration from poets, CEOs, fellow designers, farmers, my book club…anyone with some wisdom to share. And everyone has some insight to help you if you listen. I enjoy books about naturalism, botany and birdwatching.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Always be learning. You may think you know your business but there are always new ways to enhance what you do. Trust your gut. Maintain your integrity. Oh, and wine. Never run out of wine.

Diane Sheya, Salt Lake Culinary Center

Diane Sheya, Salt Lake Culinary Center

Diane and her team at the Salt Lake Culinary center put on some super fun cooking classes for adults as well as kids! I have had the privilege of being part of a few of their events and what fun did we all have! Diane truly embodies Julia Child’s trail blazing demeaner as she creates engaging classes that not only teach you tools of the trade, but creates a fun environment as well! I feel it all goes back to her living mantra of Don’t Act Your Age! Her lighthearted spirit ads that certain “je ne sais pas” secret spice to everything she creates!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume
I was on the Olympic committee that interviewed potential volunteers to help with the 2002 Winter Olympics and then was a supervisor at the center where all the volunteers, officials and media received their uniform and accreditation.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor?  And what is one key thing they taught you?
Julia Child has been one of my role models.  She was a trail blazer, bold, intelligent and not afraid of uncharted waters!  (Besides learning how to cook from her cookbooks)

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
The first place I would travel would be Vienna Austria.  Our son and daughter in law live and work there and it’s always great to spend time with them.  From there I would visit all the European countries we have not been to yet.  Learning about food and culture of other countries fascinates me.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
My motto is “Never act your age” (Especially at my age!!) and  “If you’re not having fun in the line of work you do-get out and find your passion!  Life is too short to be miserable every day”

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author blog or video blog?  How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I really enjoy Simon Sinek, his book Start With Why is inspirational for me.  I like his Ted Talk on the same subject of WHY we do what we do.  I’m also inspired by the plethora of cooking magazines I receive every month-I try to cook something from each issue and learn a new technique or use an ingredient I’m not familiar with. My husband loves it when we’re in ‘test kitchen’ mode!

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Get involved!  I joined last November and have met so many inspirational and fun women and look forward to meeting more of you!

Jacqueline Morasco, The Spirited Practice

Jacqueline Morasco, The Spirited Practice

It has been way too long since Ms. Jacqueline Morasco and I have sat for tea! It is always so refreshing and rejuvinating to sit with Jacqui and hear about all the new ways she in incorperating mindfulness into all that she does. Her Spirited Practice blends yoga, mediation, and mindfulness in a way that is accessable to the busy and bustling ladies.

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I started my first successful business when I was 10.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
There have been a number of strong women in my life. The most influential, was Sandra Cointreau. She was the first female civil engineer at NEU and to this day travels the world helping developing countries figure out ways to deal with their waste. She’s also an accomplished artist and shaman. She saw something in me when I was young that I didn’t know was there. She invested time and money in me, employed and mentored me until I believed in myself. She taught me to believe that women are strong, capable and able to do anything they set their minds and hearts to.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
I love to travel and have fulfilled many of those dreams. Still on the list is New Zealand, among others. I love going to places that are innately beautiful and pristine and not overly destroyed by human “development.”

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Be kind, work hard, smile often, stay loyal, be honest, travel when possible, never stop learning, and love always.

 Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
Danielle LaPorte and Michael Meade. I can’t choose between the two because both are inspiring in different ways. They both tell it like it is, are creative and believe in the power of authenticity, truth and love.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Thank you for being a supportive and pretty funny group of women.

Shantel Reitz, Core7 Fitness

Shantel Reitz, Core7 Fitness

I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Shantel at the Women’s conference. Not only is she a firecracker full of energy in the fitness world, but she rocks the marketing realm. If you were to take integrate some wisdom this wednesday, then take these tidbits in: Stop Doubting Yourself! and Love Out, let loose the love and let it radiate outward!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I love to travel to unique places all over the world.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
I have many roll models and mentors in life. I have been blessed to have people surrounding me that will guide me in different areas, from marriage, to personal, and business. One key thing that I have learned is the ability to let go of things I have no control over, and to take hold of what is in my control. It allows me to limit stress on things that I cannot change.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
My list is so long, I don’t even know where to begin. We are hoping, within the next couple of years to hit up Cuba, Belize, and Cambodia… but I could change my mind at any second.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Love out.

To me, this means that I am sharing love from the inside and sending it out to those I interact with. You have to love internally before you can send it out to others. I envision a radiating glow within that I want to send outward.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I am a freak about anything John C. Maxwell produces. I have been a huge fan of his for decades! I love anything that teaches and helps me to be a better leader and culture builder.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Stop doubting yourself.

Nineveh Madsen, Founder & CEO of HER Magazine

Nineveh Madsen, Founder & CEO of HER Magazine

Have you met Nineveh yet? She’s the BOMB! Girlfriend, go get some time with her, and her experience in media and business will rock your world. I know from experience! The media exposure I have had recently can all be traced back to one event she put on..did you hear that? Game changer with Just. One. Event. What I love about Nineveh is that, yes, she has been on Tv and all that, but she is REAL, down to earth and plain ol’fun to be around. She is relatable, knowledgable, and wants to help women feel confident to push themselves to the next level. She walks the talk, people, inspiring others to do the same!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
The way to my heart is New York Cheesecake!

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
My mentor in most recent years has been my Father, Francis. He’s an entrepreneur and always reminds me to stay in the game even when I face what feel like unwinnable challenges. My husband John is my love first and foremost, but a coach to me in so many ways. He teaches me to stay in the moment, and to love life. He’s so positive! I always marvel at that. Role Models – Sheryl Sandberg, Marie Forleo and any woman doing what she loves.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
I’d go for a month long vacation to the Bahamas. Put me anywhere by the beach, ocean and sunshine and I’m happy! I’ve never been to the Bahamas, but it sounds magical. And I’d need a month because I’d love to learn how to once again live without all these devices! Remember when we only had pagers?

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Do it because you want to. Do it for purpose and legacy. Not for the money. Not for the glory. But for the mission, and to create impact. I’ve learned to shift my focus on those things in recent years.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
Lately, it’s been Gary Vaynerchuck. He is harsh, but sometimes it doesn’t help to be coddled. So he’s like my big brother who will tell me how it is. When I’m feeling sorry for myself, I listen to Gary V.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
You can’t control everything. Learn to let go, and love the journey. Everyone pushes for the destination, but the destination is always changing. So focus on the journey, and the growth that comes with it – and the person you become as a result.

Nineveh Madsen, Founder & CEO of HER Magazine.
We publish daily content at focusing on trending topics, the latest news impacting women, and business articles.

 Our monthly magazine is in iTunes & Google Play. Download our app for free, and sign up for a free 7-day trail. If you love our publication, it’s $5.99/month of $59.99 a year for a subscription.


Paula Sageser, PCS Creative Services

Paula Sageser, PCS Creative Services

Today, we get to meet Paula. We all know and love Paula for for being a wiz at websites and all thing’s social media, but, today, we get to get to delight in her wisdom. I think the the thing that strikes me most is her balance between work and play. I know she talks about the WWW as the Wild World of the Web, but I would like to change that around a bit to describe her: She is a Wiz, is super Witty and fun when you spend time with her, and has a lot of Wisdom to share. When you encorperate your values of empathy, kindness, and creativity as main tenets of your business, you build solid relationships. When you give in these relationships from the heart with no expectations, you receive more that you thought possible!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
Growing up, I secretly wanted to be on Broadway, particularly in musicals. I was active in show choir and school plays in high school. My most acclaimed role (in the Vernal paper no less!) was being the wicked stepmother in Cinderella. I still enjoy that creative part of me, but would never want to do it as a living.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
One of my early role models was a manager at the U of U library during college, Walter Jones. He taught me that regardless of what your experiences in life have been, you can choose to remain kind and have empathy for other people. He was a very mild-mannered person who had lived through some harrowing and horrible experiences, but kept his perspective clear and his belief in the worth of others strong. His was a good example of leadership.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
I’ve always wanted to go to Fiji. I loved the musical/movie South Pacific and that vision of a mystical island has stuck with me as a vision of paradise.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
At its most simple, try to walk in someone else’s shoes. Compassion is your gift to yourself.
I’ve always loved the story of the Two Wolves:  The old man tells his grandson the story of the two wolves inside of people who do battle. One is evil – anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, resentment, false pride, lies and ego. The other is good – joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, compassion, generosity, truth and faith. When the grandson asks which wolf wins, his grandfather says “the one you feed.”

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I love to read for fun and relaxation, so most of my book recommendations are Sci Fi or Fantasy novels. Guy Gavriel Kay is one of my favorite authors, one of those with a book that kept me up all night alternately crying and smiling. For inspiration on a more practical level, Maya Angelou is someone whose perspective on life reaches out and taps me on the heart.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Build great relationships in your life. What you give to other people comes back in unexpected ways and at unexpected times, but giving without expectations is the only way those times will be able to surprise and delight you.

Ezralea Robbins, Mountainside Spa

Ezralea Robbins, Mountainside Spa

I am blessed to call this lady one of my besties. She says she is shy, but don’t let Ez’s “quiet” nature fool ya! She is such a powerhouse filled with purpose and determination when she is focused on her goals. Sometimes, you need to be a bit of a rule-breaker, get lost intentionally, and go find some adventure. Tha’ts what makes life interesting! Stepping in to support our annual golf tournament, she not only supports a cause, is an example of why we are all here in this group together: as we share each of our own experiences in life and business, our own journey softens as we come together with an unspoken code: Let’s Grow Together, Sister!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I’m a bit stubborn and somewhat of a rule breaker. Please don’t tell me I can’t do something. You’ll make me prove you wrong.

Fortunately/Unfortunately my kids have the same attitude in life and my new saying to them is, I gave you that face don’t give it back to me.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
I have had many role models and mentors that have helped me along the way. I would even say that it has been my team of mentors that have been the corner stone of my success and having a couple of people by my side listening and problem solving has helped me grow my company.

The one key ongoing theme that is always drill into me or what I seem to hear is;

Believe in yourself.

Intention + Focus = Results.

And when the going get rough… tread water, you got this.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
Everywhere! I am a gypsy blooded soul that loves to wander. I use to go get lost for the adventure of finding something interesting. I love the history and stories that communities tell.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Life will sometimes break you, allow it to break you wide open because really the only happiness in life is to love and be loved in return.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
Mary Morrissey~ She teaches brain training, how to refocus and rewire your brain to think good thoughts.. Create goals through focus & Intention for best results in life.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
The WNG has been such a corners stone to feeling supported on this journey of business ownership. When you are wrangling the everyday throws of life and business. This group steps in to support and share experiences to soften your journey and the friends made along the way are priceless. I’m blessed to know and befriend many of the women who honor the unspoken code of let’s grow together sister.

*This is a gentle nudge and reminder for you to set some time for yourself to relax and be spoiled! Make yourself an appointment for a massage at Mountainside Spa, refresh and nourish, and then go take on the world!

Member Feature: Carina Knecht, Ameriprise Financial Advisor

A Woman of Many Hats… Carina Knecht! 

There are various levels of involvement in the Utah Women’s Networking Group, which is great because we aim to create opportunities at all levels. One of our members, Carina Knecht, has managed to take advantage of every opportunity! She is an Ambassador. She is an Area Connector of two groups. She is the Main Sponsor for our Non-Profit Luncheon this month. Shall we go on?

When she’s not wearing her UTWNG hat, Carina is a Financial Advisor with Ameriprise Financial. She’s not only in the business of helping others pursue their wealth, she is also in the business of helping them grow their financial confidence in the future. She helps individuals balance pursuing their dreams for tomorrow with what is wanted today. In her own words, “I’m here to help you live the life you’ve earned. When you have the right advisor, life can be brilliant.”

Check out Carina’s answers to our six questions:

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
Something that would not be found on my resume is my kids! I have biological kids and six kids who have come to call me mom. Of my biological kids, I have one (almost two) married, two teens and one 10-year-old. My “adopted” kids have come to us by way of exchange programs and other like opportunities.  

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
Ana Bay is an inspiration to me because not only did she become a BYU Professor while raising four boys, but she exemplified her teachings which were that just because you’re a mom, you still need to pursue your dreams and aspirations. 

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
If money weren’t an option I would travel to Egypt! I’ve always been very fond of the history and culture there. It’s horrible, neat, and exciting all in one. 

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
A motto that I and my family try to live by is “BE NICE. WORK HARD.”

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
A favorite author of mine is Agatha Christie. She inspires me to pay attention to details and let’s face it, I’m a sucker for a good mystery. 

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
My advice to other amazing members of this group, both now and future, is to keep working on all of your relationships because both the good parts and the bad parts can teach you a lot about yourself and the world around you. AND to always STAY POSITIVE! 

Since we already know that Carina will be at the next event, and we hope you are too, be sure to thank her for her passion for the UTWNG and ask her what she loves most.

Member Feature: Jodie Turner, Eagle Electric, Inc.

Member Feature: Jodie Turner, Eagle Electric, Inc.

Turn a Light on for… Jodie Turner! 

Part of what makes the Utah Women’s Networking Group go around is our dedicated members who support us at every turn. One member, in particular, is Jodie Turner of Eagle Electric, Inc.

Jodie serves as Vice President for Eagle Electric which provides electrical contractor services for new, remodel, residential, and commercial projects. They offer a full 24-hour service department, and believe that no job is too small! Something cool to note, most of their management and key employees have been with Eagle for 10 or more years.

Let’s get to know a little more about Jodie. We put her to our six-question test:

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
Tough question. I love classic muscle cars and can be found at car shows, either taking my car or just to see the others cars a lot of weekends when the weather is nice.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
My Dad. He taught me just about everything I know about my industry and continues to teach me. He also taught me that what you put out to the world comes back to you in waves (negative, positive, whatever).

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
Greece and Rome (not all of Italy, just Rome)! I really want to see the ancient ruins of Greece and Rome. I am fascinated with that era.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
I have two: “Service Above Self” the Rotary motto and “Strive not to be a success, but rather be of value” – Albert Einstein. I believe living these two things will make a person rich, not necessarily always monetarily, but in life. But I also believe that you get back what you put into the world and then some.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I don’t really have any that I follow often really. “You Are a Bad Ass” by Jen Sincero changed a lot of my outlooks about myself, “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy really spoke to me and I’ve been trying to implement some of that. I could go on forever. I devour books usually!

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Get involved. Talk, listen and get to people in UTWNG and it will be the most beneficial and amazing thing you have ever done. So many women to look up to, support and help you through just about anything, and you will also find the reverse and have many women to help and support. It gives you a whole new world of friends, and who couldn’t use more friends?

Jodie is a bright light (no pun intended) in the UTWNG. And we love that she is a kickass woman helping to lead and running an electric company! At the next event, be sure to seek out Jodie and say hi.

Member Feature: Michelle Carman, AGF Property ManagementPlus

Member Feature: Michelle Carman, AGF Property ManagementPlus

And We Present to You… Michelle Carman!

As a new feature of the Utah Women’s Networking Group, we are highlighting members each month. To start 2017 off on the right foot, we thought it would be fitting to introduce you to the faithful directors of this dynamic group.

Please allow us to introduce you to our Director of Community Relations Michelle Carman. When Michelle is not actively looking for new organizations for the UTWNG to partner with and support, she is busy managing her company AGF Property ManagementPlus. The company handles both commercial and residential property management – taking the stress out of owning investment properties. They serve Salt Lake County, Magna to the Wasatch Front, and Saratoga Springs to North Salt Lake. They even assist with rentals. As Michelle always says, “Just remember that I am your personal bulldog with lipstick.”

She may be a bulldog with lipstick when it comes to business, and who doesn’t want that? But on a personal level, Michelle is a woman with a gentle heart, great sense of humor, and probably has a hug waiting for you.

We asked Michelle to answer our six questions and here is what she had to say:

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I love to help people. I like to make sure I can do something nice for someone at least once a day. Whether it be money, food, letting them cut in line, a hug, a smile…. at least something to brighten someone’s day.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
When I joined a BNI group I met a gentleman that found me lost and confused. He taught me how to come out of my box, enjoy speaking, and the love of networking. Not too bad for a wall flower.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
I think if I could just go on a cruise ship and sail all over, I would totally love that. My love is waterfalls and if I could go see more of them, that would make me happy.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Communication, patience and give.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I am not a reader or blog follower, but I do listen to BNI podcasts the most and they are done by Ivan Misner.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Embrace this group, the women, and the lessons that are given you each day. We have incredible women in this group and you can learn so much and gain some amazing friends.

We are so grateful that Michelle is part of our leadership team. She is a great advocate for the UTWNG and the relationships that blossom from being involved. Please be sure to say hello to Michelle at our next event!

Member Feature: Tracey Dean, Tracey Dean Financial

Member Feature: Tracey Dean, Tracey Dean Financial

The One, The Only… Tracey Dean! 

Each month we will highlight a member of the Utah Women’s Networking Group. To kick off this new feature, we thought it would be fitting to introduce you to the faithful directors of this fabulous group.

Tracey Dean FinancialFirst up is none other than Tracey Dean of Tracey Dean Financial. To best understand how Tracey makes a difference in the world every day, here are her own words, “I am a holistic financial adviser specializing in small business planning and those in transition; new marriage, children, loss of loved one, divorce or retirement. I am here to take care of your most pressing needs. I take a needs analysis approach to help plan your individual financial blueprint to steer you to success. A fun, easy approach, that’s my goal.

Tracey serves as the Director of Events for the UTWNG. She works hard to find great venues and opportunities for members to gather together to network, build relationships and wherever possible support a worthwhile cause. And if you attend our monthly luncheons or breakfasts, you have definitely seen Tracey in action.

We have six key questions and here is what sweet, funny and direct Tracey had to say:

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
Pretty much everything. I’m best known for my smile and for making people laugh because I am so damn funny.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
This is always a tough question for me, I really do not have a meaningful mentor or role model… other than Warren Buffett, I would love to pick his brain if just for one day!

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
Vietnam. Up until a few years ago, I hadn’t realized the beauty. Let alone the history, as my dad fought in the Vietnam War. I’m incredibly intrigued by this amazing country.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
I know it sounds cliché, but based on my near-death car accident, I always say, “Life is too short” and “Work hard, play harder!”

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
Michael Kitces is a very successful financial advisor and he has a blog, Nerd’s Eye View. His insight into my world is amazing and extremely helpful. However, I am addicted to any TED Talk in any industry.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Show up and participate. Share your insight when others are in need and… sponsor everything I ask!

We hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about Tracey. Next time you are at an UTWNG event, walk over and say “hi” to Tracey and thank her for her dedicated service. She’s awesome and we are thrilled she is part of the leadership team.