Trends in Business for 2021

Trends in Business for 2021

By Peri Kinder

In March of 2020, everyday business practices were dumped on the trash heap. We worked from home in our PJs, eating take-out, and finding ways to pivot our business offerings to fit into the new virtual, socially-distanced landscape.

It was a vast experiment that caused many small businesses to close their doors as they lost customers and connections. Moving into 2021, we’re using those hard-earned lessons to develop brand new business models. Here are some trends happening in companies from Fortune 500s to mom-and-pop shops.

  1. More working from home. As employees set up office space in their homes, employers wondered if the traditional, brick-and-mortar office building was still necessary. Many companies discovered employees enjoyed working from home. With no commute, workers had more free time in their day, which ironically led to a greater sense of freedom – even during the COVID lockdown. Many employers plan to keep their workers virtual – or a mix of in-person and online workdays. In 2021, many employees will look for this benefit while applying for jobs.
  2. Create a virtual experience for customers. The big question of 2020 was how do we keep customers connected to our business? Online shopping went through the roof. People subscribed to online classes in record numbers. So, how can you jump on this trend? What services do you provide that can be done online? Some restaurants offered a virtual “tasting” menu or made videos showing their kitchen preparing meals. Skincare companies invested in programs that created customer avatars that could virtually try on clothes or experiment with hairstyles or make-up.
  3. Find your company’s purpose. As the younger generations take on leadership roles, creating a meaningful purpose might keep them invested in your business. Millennials want to make a difference, and if they feel your mission is aligned with making this world a little better, they’ll be completely on board. If you haven’t tied your mission to a purpose, this is a great year to start. Maybe partner with a non-profit or find a way to bring your product or services to underserved communities.
  4. Generate authentic social content. In 2021, connection is commerce. Tell your story through your social media platforms with authentic content, engaging video, and virtual interaction. Some companies brought their social media creation in-house last year and that will continue as a way to control the narrative. Create a behind-the-scenes series that lets customers meet your team, watch the development of your product, or get to know the CEO. This is also a great time to share your company’s purpose by getting your audience engaged with online events and fundraisers.

2020 taught us to be flexible, creative, adaptive, relatable and to cut out unnecessary meetings, red tape, and disconnection. This year, it’s time to double-down on those practices to keep your business growing. Have fun as you discover a whole new side to your business.

Peri Kinder is a Happiness Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher, Meditation Instructor and Humor Columnist, and the owner of Life & Laughter Coaching

Nineveh Madsen, Founder & CEO of HER Magazine

Nineveh Madsen, Founder & CEO of HER Magazine

Have you met Nineveh yet? She’s the BOMB! Girlfriend, go get some time with her, and her experience in media and business will rock your world. I know from experience! The media exposure I have had recently can all be traced back to one event she put on..did you hear that? Game changer with Just. One. Event. What I love about Nineveh is that, yes, she has been on Tv and all that, but she is REAL, down to earth and plain ol’fun to be around. She is relatable, knowledgable, and wants to help women feel confident to push themselves to the next level. She walks the talk, people, inspiring others to do the same!

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
The way to my heart is New York Cheesecake!

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
My mentor in most recent years has been my Father, Francis. He’s an entrepreneur and always reminds me to stay in the game even when I face what feel like unwinnable challenges. My husband John is my love first and foremost, but a coach to me in so many ways. He teaches me to stay in the moment, and to love life. He’s so positive! I always marvel at that. Role Models – Sheryl Sandberg, Marie Forleo and any woman doing what she loves.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
I’d go for a month long vacation to the Bahamas. Put me anywhere by the beach, ocean and sunshine and I’m happy! I’ve never been to the Bahamas, but it sounds magical. And I’d need a month because I’d love to learn how to once again live without all these devices! Remember when we only had pagers?

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Do it because you want to. Do it for purpose and legacy. Not for the money. Not for the glory. But for the mission, and to create impact. I’ve learned to shift my focus on those things in recent years.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
Lately, it’s been Gary Vaynerchuck. He is harsh, but sometimes it doesn’t help to be coddled. So he’s like my big brother who will tell me how it is. When I’m feeling sorry for myself, I listen to Gary V.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
You can’t control everything. Learn to let go, and love the journey. Everyone pushes for the destination, but the destination is always changing. So focus on the journey, and the growth that comes with it – and the person you become as a result.

Nineveh Madsen, Founder & CEO of HER Magazine.
We publish daily content at focusing on trending topics, the latest news impacting women, and business articles.

 Our monthly magazine is in iTunes & Google Play. Download our app for free, and sign up for a free 7-day trail. If you love our publication, it’s $5.99/month of $59.99 a year for a subscription.


Learn More About the Utah Women’s Networking Group

Learn More About the Utah Women’s Networking Group

Welcome to the Utah Women’s Networking Group!

To become a member, request to be added, and/or fill out our application please visit this link:

Before engaging on the Utah Women’s Networking Group (UTWNG) Facebook Main Page or Utah WNG Business Resources Page, please see our Do-s and Don’t-s Page at:

We aspire to be the ultimate women’s networking model for business owners, professionals and women looking to build valuable relationships. Our services connect members with the people, resources, encouragement and inspiration to be the most successful woman they can dream to be.

The Utah Women’s Networking Group empowers and supports women throughout Utah by:
1) Connecting members with like minded business owners and professionals through events and social media
2) Educating members through events and valuable discussions
3) Providing members with resources and referrals to grow their business or in their personal lives
4) Inspiring and encouraging members to live their dreams and to accomplish what they are truly passionate about
5) Supporting local nonprofits that provide valuable services to the community

We value building long lasting relationships over promoting ourselves. Selling is not a primary objective of the members of this group.

To promote our members, Ambassadors have access to a Directory that is used to connect members when referrals are requested.

We host luncheons the 3rd Wednesday of the month (subject to change). We also host luncheons in Provo/Orem, Davis/Ogden, Breakfasts, Evening Mixers and Fundraisers.

We encourage members to attend at least two (2) events a year (the more you attend, the more value you will receive from your membership). We also encourage you engage in conversations on our group pages to gain trust and build relationships.

We ask members only recommend/tag members when someone asks for a resource. If you wish to recommend non-members, private message the member making the request.

Keep posts simple and non-complicated. Promoting products and/or services is allowed on our Utah WNG Business Resources Page once a week. Members that do not follow the guidelines regarding posts will have their post deleted and risk being removed from the group.

Should you become a member, we hope you will maximize your experience by being respectful of our culture of putting others first and providing honest, trustworthy and positive feedback and information.

If you send in your information through the link and you do not get approved within a week, email us at