Trends in Business for 2021

Trends in Business for 2021

By Peri Kinder

In March of 2020, everyday business practices were dumped on the trash heap. We worked from home in our PJs, eating take-out, and finding ways to pivot our business offerings to fit into the new virtual, socially-distanced landscape.

It was a vast experiment that caused many small businesses to close their doors as they lost customers and connections. Moving into 2021, we’re using those hard-earned lessons to develop brand new business models. Here are some trends happening in companies from Fortune 500s to mom-and-pop shops.

  1. More working from home. As employees set up office space in their homes, employers wondered if the traditional, brick-and-mortar office building was still necessary. Many companies discovered employees enjoyed working from home. With no commute, workers had more free time in their day, which ironically led to a greater sense of freedom – even during the COVID lockdown. Many employers plan to keep their workers virtual – or a mix of in-person and online workdays. In 2021, many employees will look for this benefit while applying for jobs.
  2. Create a virtual experience for customers. The big question of 2020 was how do we keep customers connected to our business? Online shopping went through the roof. People subscribed to online classes in record numbers. So, how can you jump on this trend? What services do you provide that can be done online? Some restaurants offered a virtual “tasting” menu or made videos showing their kitchen preparing meals. Skincare companies invested in programs that created customer avatars that could virtually try on clothes or experiment with hairstyles or make-up.
  3. Find your company’s purpose. As the younger generations take on leadership roles, creating a meaningful purpose might keep them invested in your business. Millennials want to make a difference, and if they feel your mission is aligned with making this world a little better, they’ll be completely on board. If you haven’t tied your mission to a purpose, this is a great year to start. Maybe partner with a non-profit or find a way to bring your product or services to underserved communities.
  4. Generate authentic social content. In 2021, connection is commerce. Tell your story through your social media platforms with authentic content, engaging video, and virtual interaction. Some companies brought their social media creation in-house last year and that will continue as a way to control the narrative. Create a behind-the-scenes series that lets customers meet your team, watch the development of your product, or get to know the CEO. This is also a great time to share your company’s purpose by getting your audience engaged with online events and fundraisers.

2020 taught us to be flexible, creative, adaptive, relatable and to cut out unnecessary meetings, red tape, and disconnection. This year, it’s time to double-down on those practices to keep your business growing. Have fun as you discover a whole new side to your business.

Peri Kinder is a Happiness Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher, Meditation Instructor and Humor Columnist, and the owner of Life & Laughter Coaching

Creating a healthy holiday mindset

Creating a healthy holiday mindset

By Peri Kinder

It’s the most wonderful-ish time of year!

We have shopping to do and baking to do and decorating and caroling and eating. But we also have work and family and obligations. And we’re all under COVID restrictions! So how do you celebrate the holidays, get work done, keep your family healthy and safe, and stay sane???

Introducing the Quarantini!  (JK. Kind of.)

While a Quarantini might solve your problems momentarily, it’s really not a long-term solution. So what is?

Here are a few ways to put this holiday into perspective.

  1. Have a family meeting. This might be people in your immediate household or extended family. Send out a Zoom invitation to those not in your house and get creative about ways to adapt traditions to this year’s holiday.
  2. Set priorities and pivot. What traditions are non-negotiable? Maybe you serve meals at the soup kitchen each holiday. Maybe this year you donate to their program instead. If your family has a cookie bake-off on Christmas Eve, maybe each family makes a plate of cookies to leave at family members’ doorsteps that night. So many options!!
  3. Get real. If you or your significant other have been laid off, money is probably tight this year. Have honest discussions with family members about gift-giving. Maybe give each person a budget and have a contest to see who can find the funniest gifts or the most sentimental presents. Or write heartfelt letters to people you love.
  4. Use COVID as an excuse to say “no”. This is your opportunity to get out of all the work parties, family dinners, neighborhood celebrations, and religious events that you don’t absolutely love. Your response is, “We’re not doing that this year, but thanks for the invitation.” Super easy!!

Remember the holiday season is a celebration of love and light. You don’t need fancy parties or expensive gifts to make the holiday bright. Find the small joys and the big kindnesses, and be well.


Peri Kinder is a Happiness Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher, Meditation Instructor, and Humor Columnist.

3 Steps to Better Leverage Your Marketing Data

3 Steps to Better Leverage Your Marketing Data

By Chrisella Herzog, CEO of Humble & Hustle Studios

Analytics are key to success in your digital marketing, no matter what industry you’re in or what size your business is. Digital platforms provide so much data and it’s revolutionary for small businesses to have access to all this information and relatively cheap market research.

But data is only as good as what you do with it. If you don’t understand what your data is telling you, you’re missing out on key business insights that can help you grow.

When you start to look at your analytics, there are three basic steps you can take:

1) Define your goals. If you start with your goal in mind, the data will tell you much more clearly how your business is doing in reaching those goals. Different goals will require you to collect and track different data points.

2) Understand which statistics match your goal. If your goal from an ad campaign is to increase your sales, then running an ad and tracking data that increase your follower count isn’t the most effective way of reaching that goal.

Here are a few basic terms you should know and understand when starting a new campaign:

a) Clicks vs. Landing Page Views: Have you ever accidentally clicked an ad, then hit the back button before the page loaded? You’re not alone! Digital platforms measure clicks and landing page views differently. A “click” is every time someone clicks your post or ad; a “landing page view” is when they click and allow your site to load before navigating away.

b) People Viewed vs. Impressions: These two data points are related, but not quite the same. “People Viewed” is the number of people who have seen your post or ad. “Impressions” can be much higher, but that can be because the same person could have seen the post multiple times.

c) Lead: A lead is measured as someone who clicked on a button that entered them into your sales cycle. That could mean they downloaded a lead magnet or they scheduled a call with you.

d) Conversion/Purchase: A conversion is measured as someone who came to your website and made a purchase or signed up for a service. Depending on your sales funnel, this could also be someone who requested an estimate.

3) Track your data. This is so important to know how your marketing campaigns are performing. Are you increasing the number of people coming to your website? Are your ads working, but getting more expensive? Create a simple spreadsheet where you can bring all this data together to look at over a period of time.

All of this information can be confusing and overwhelming — not to mention time-consuming — for an entrepreneur or small business owner trying to serve their customers well. This is where a marketing expert can step in to guide you to the most important data points.

If you’re ready for some assistance in this area, schedule a call with the Humble & Hustle Studios team!

Marketing for the Holidays

Marketing for the Holidays

By Peri Kinder

If the thought of the upcoming holidays makes you want to retreat to an isolated cabin with a case of wine, you’re not alone. But you would be missing out on some unique opportunities to connect with your customers and strengthen bonds in your community.

We’re all so over COVID-19, but if it’s taught us anything, it’s that we are flexible and adaptable when it comes to running a business. This flexibility and creativity come in handy as you start marketing for the holiday season.

Here are three tips to help get you started:

Know your audience: There’s a good chance your customers are struggling. With job loss, cutbacks and insecurity at an all-time high, your clients might want to “get through” the holidays, instead of “celebrate”. It might not be time to roll-out your $10,000 holiday vacation retreat to Venice. In other words, read the room.

There are several ways to understand your client base and get valuable info you can use this season.

Engage with customers through messaging, phone calls or personalized emails, interacting with each person as an individual – not a potential sale. Ask meaningful questions and listen intently to what they say.

Create a survey, asking customers what their biggest challenges are this season or what they foresee for their future. Once you gather data, customize products, services and engagement opportunities for clients that resonate with their desires.

Create gift packages: Based on feedback, create gift packages your customers would want for themselves or to give to people they love. Offering gift baskets or promotions at different price points gives clients options when it comes to supporting your business. Maybe this season is a good time to launch an inexpensive online course or a scaled-down version of your most popular items.

Connect with a non-profit: People are inherently good. Even in these crazy times, people are volunteering and donating with many organizations recording the highest levels of donations in years. Find a non-profit your customer base would support (again with the feedback) and get creative as you launch a promotion or event that will benefit everyone involved. (Keep it safe, people. Wear a mask. SMH)

We’d love to hear your holiday marketing ideas. If you have something to share, submit your blog idea here.

Have a wonderful, successful and healthy holiday season!

Peri Kinder is a Happiness Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher, Meditation Instructor and Humor Columnist.

Member Feature: Karin Palle, The Center for Entrepreneurship at Westminster College

Member Feature: Karin Palle, The Center for Entrepreneurship at Westminster College

Our Fearless Leader… Karin Palle!

We are excited to not only have a blog, but to have the opportunity to feature the incredible members of the Utah Women’s Networking Group. We thought it would fitting to start with the leadership of the group.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a standing ovation for the President of the UTWNG, Ms. Karin Palle! Although Karin is not the original founder of the group, she is definitely the engine behind its growth and success over the last six years. She is very passionate about women gathering together to learn, inspire one another, and develop deeper relationships. She is quick to tell anyone that the UTWNG is not about sales, self-promotion, and growing your business. That may happen, but only as a result of genuine relationships.

Now believe it or not, Karin does have a job outside of the UTWNG. She is the Director for The Center for Entrepreneurship at Westminster College. If you know anything about Karin, you know her passion for entrepreneurs at all levels! You will be hearing more about the Women’s Entrepreneurial Conference she is spearheading in April.

We asked Karin to take our six questions for a test drive:

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I was secretly married on 12/12/12 at 12:12 p.m. with 12 witnesses by Mayor Kelvyn Cullimore (Cottonwood Mayor) on my lunch break and my husband took me to Chipotle for lunch to celebrate. LOL!

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
Public figures – Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey – I learned the power of giving back and making a difference in my community. And, I definitely want to share Ellen’s mantra: be kind to one another.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
China – I would love to develop a woman’s networking group (yes – big aspiration) and spread the word of entrepreneurship.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Collaborating is more powerful than competing.
Giving is better than receiving.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
Believe it or not – the UTWNG Facebook page. I learn more from our members than anywhere else. Their willingness to share their expertise is invaluable.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
If you focus on building relationships and sharing your knowledge and expertise, the UTWNG will be a valuable tool for your personal and professional growth.

Now when you see Karin hosting an event you can heckle her with your new knowledge! But in all seriousness, please take time to get to know Karin. We can guarantee that she wants to get to know you. She cares deeply about the UTWNG members, and about creating a meaningful environment for each and every one.

Member Feature: Michelle Carman, AGF Property ManagementPlus

Member Feature: Michelle Carman, AGF Property ManagementPlus

And We Present to You… Michelle Carman!

As a new feature of the Utah Women’s Networking Group, we are highlighting members each month. To start 2017 off on the right foot, we thought it would be fitting to introduce you to the faithful directors of this dynamic group.

Please allow us to introduce you to our Director of Community Relations Michelle Carman. When Michelle is not actively looking for new organizations for the UTWNG to partner with and support, she is busy managing her company AGF Property ManagementPlus. The company handles both commercial and residential property management – taking the stress out of owning investment properties. They serve Salt Lake County, Magna to the Wasatch Front, and Saratoga Springs to North Salt Lake. They even assist with rentals. As Michelle always says, “Just remember that I am your personal bulldog with lipstick.”

She may be a bulldog with lipstick when it comes to business, and who doesn’t want that? But on a personal level, Michelle is a woman with a gentle heart, great sense of humor, and probably has a hug waiting for you.

We asked Michelle to answer our six questions and here is what she had to say:

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
I love to help people. I like to make sure I can do something nice for someone at least once a day. Whether it be money, food, letting them cut in line, a hug, a smile…. at least something to brighten someone’s day.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
When I joined a BNI group I met a gentleman that found me lost and confused. He taught me how to come out of my box, enjoy speaking, and the love of networking. Not too bad for a wall flower.

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
I think if I could just go on a cruise ship and sail all over, I would totally love that. My love is waterfalls and if I could go see more of them, that would make me happy.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
Communication, patience and give.

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
I am not a reader or blog follower, but I do listen to BNI podcasts the most and they are done by Ivan Misner.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Embrace this group, the women, and the lessons that are given you each day. We have incredible women in this group and you can learn so much and gain some amazing friends.

We are so grateful that Michelle is part of our leadership team. She is a great advocate for the UTWNG and the relationships that blossom from being involved. Please be sure to say hello to Michelle at our next event!

Member Feature: Tracey Dean, Tracey Dean Financial

Member Feature: Tracey Dean, Tracey Dean Financial

The One, The Only… Tracey Dean! 

Each month we will highlight a member of the Utah Women’s Networking Group. To kick off this new feature, we thought it would be fitting to introduce you to the faithful directors of this fabulous group.

Tracey Dean FinancialFirst up is none other than Tracey Dean of Tracey Dean Financial. To best understand how Tracey makes a difference in the world every day, here are her own words, “I am a holistic financial adviser specializing in small business planning and those in transition; new marriage, children, loss of loved one, divorce or retirement. I am here to take care of your most pressing needs. I take a needs analysis approach to help plan your individual financial blueprint to steer you to success. A fun, easy approach, that’s my goal.

Tracey serves as the Director of Events for the UTWNG. She works hard to find great venues and opportunities for members to gather together to network, build relationships and wherever possible support a worthwhile cause. And if you attend our monthly luncheons or breakfasts, you have definitely seen Tracey in action.

We have six key questions and here is what sweet, funny and direct Tracey had to say:

Share something about yourself that can’t be found on your resume.
Pretty much everything. I’m best known for my smile and for making people laugh because I am so damn funny.

Who is/has been your role model/mentor? And what is one key thing they taught you?
This is always a tough question for me, I really do not have a meaningful mentor or role model… other than Warren Buffett, I would love to pick his brain if just for one day!

If you could travel anywhere in the world – money is not an issue – where would you go and why?
Vietnam. Up until a few years ago, I hadn’t realized the beauty. Let alone the history, as my dad fought in the Vietnam War. I’m incredibly intrigued by this amazing country.

What is a motto or phrase you live and/or work by?
I know it sounds cliché, but based on my near-death car accident, I always say, “Life is too short” and “Work hard, play harder!”

Who is your must-listen-to or must-read author, blog or video blog? How do they inspire, motivate, encourage and/or help you?
Michael Kitces is a very successful financial advisor and he has a blog, Nerd’s Eye View. His insight into my world is amazing and extremely helpful. However, I am addicted to any TED Talk in any industry.

Any last words of wisdom to share with UTWNG members and future members?
Show up and participate. Share your insight when others are in need and… sponsor everything I ask!

We hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about Tracey. Next time you are at an UTWNG event, walk over and say “hi” to Tracey and thank her for her dedicated service. She’s awesome and we are thrilled she is part of the leadership team.

Learn More About the Utah Women’s Networking Group

Learn More About the Utah Women’s Networking Group

Welcome to the Utah Women’s Networking Group!

To become a member, request to be added, and/or fill out our application please visit this link:

Before engaging on the Utah Women’s Networking Group (UTWNG) Facebook Main Page or Utah WNG Business Resources Page, please see our Do-s and Don’t-s Page at:

We aspire to be the ultimate women’s networking model for business owners, professionals and women looking to build valuable relationships. Our services connect members with the people, resources, encouragement and inspiration to be the most successful woman they can dream to be.

The Utah Women’s Networking Group empowers and supports women throughout Utah by:
1) Connecting members with like minded business owners and professionals through events and social media
2) Educating members through events and valuable discussions
3) Providing members with resources and referrals to grow their business or in their personal lives
4) Inspiring and encouraging members to live their dreams and to accomplish what they are truly passionate about
5) Supporting local nonprofits that provide valuable services to the community

We value building long lasting relationships over promoting ourselves. Selling is not a primary objective of the members of this group.

To promote our members, Ambassadors have access to a Directory that is used to connect members when referrals are requested.

We host luncheons the 3rd Wednesday of the month (subject to change). We also host luncheons in Provo/Orem, Davis/Ogden, Breakfasts, Evening Mixers and Fundraisers.

We encourage members to attend at least two (2) events a year (the more you attend, the more value you will receive from your membership). We also encourage you engage in conversations on our group pages to gain trust and build relationships.

We ask members only recommend/tag members when someone asks for a resource. If you wish to recommend non-members, private message the member making the request.

Keep posts simple and non-complicated. Promoting products and/or services is allowed on our Utah WNG Business Resources Page once a week. Members that do not follow the guidelines regarding posts will have their post deleted and risk being removed from the group.

Should you become a member, we hope you will maximize your experience by being respectful of our culture of putting others first and providing honest, trustworthy and positive feedback and information.

If you send in your information through the link and you do not get approved within a week, email us at